Sep 26Liked by Reginald Clay

"Don't burn your bridges" is often given as sound advice, but sometimes it's exactly what you need to do! The obvious example for me is my first wife (now ex-wife); that relationship was toxic to the core and it was a bridge that I needed to burn! There are others; when I got sober I needed to "burn the bridges" with my old drinking buddies. Some stayed friends, but there were some I realized all we really had in common was drinking.

I'm sure everyone has very similar examples.

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Those are great real life, relatable examples.

The social bridges are tough to burn for sure. There have been a few close friends I've had to turn away from, I realized when I'm their company, I found myself in very precarious situations...

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Some bridges must be burned to move forward in life; otherwise, you'll remain forever tied to and stuck in the past.

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