May 5Liked by Reginald Clay

When you first started writing this did you know how long it was going to be?

I was expecting something quite short but this feels like it's shaping up to at least be novella length, maybe even a full length novel.

Most people start with short stories but you've jumped in the deep end and you're definitely pulling it off. Well done.

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I didn't know. It wasn't until chapter 5 when I started thinking about how much longer the story might be.

I'm still not quite sure. Next time I write one of these I'll have to create a story board to help frame everything. Right now threads of the story are instigating the creation of new chapters.

I do think it's wrapping up though, I don't have an ending in mind, but I can write the parts that lead to the ending.

Thank you for reading along Maximilian. 🙏🏾

I know it's a journey 😂

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